Unit 2

Word Meaning
Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) A graph shows various combinations of output an economy can produce efficiently given its current resource endowment and technology.
Shows the best an economy can do.
Can be changed by: available resources, their productivity, changes to the available technology
Productive efficiency Your economy's output is on PPF
Social efficiency Your economy is producing what the society wants
Efficiency Productive efficiency + Social efficiency
Comparative advantage one can produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than someone else
Absolute advantage one can produce a good more productively than someone else
Productivity Produce the same quantity as someone else but use fewer resources

For any 2 goods X and Y (X is on the horizontal axis), the |slope of PPF| = opportunity cost of X

Opportunity costs (generally) increase as we produce more of a good.

If there is comparative advantage, specialize in the production of the good in which you have the comparative advantage, trade with each other and realize gains from trade.

Last update: September 21, 2021
Created: September 18, 2021