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Unit 7


Word Meaning
total revenue / TR the amount a firm receives fro the sales of its output
total cost / TC the market value of the inputs a firm uses in production (explicit costs)
profit / \Pi the firm's total revenue minus its total cost
=TR - TC
economic cost of production all the oppotunity costs of making its output of goods and services
economic profit TR - economic cost of production
accounting profit TR - TC


Three Categories of Economic Profit Meaning
positive economic profits super high, unexpected profits for firms in that industry
attract entrepreneurs and induce nre firms to the market
economic losses negative profits
firms that consistently earn losses will eventually leave the industry
normal (zero) economic profits zero economic profits, positive accounting profit
no new firms to join, no firms to quit


Word Meaning
production function the relationship between quantity of inputs used to make a good and the quantity of output
fixed inputs inputs that cannot vary in quantity for some period of time (a factory, a machine)
variable inputs inputs that can vary in quantity (labour)
short run at least one input is fixed
long run no inputs are fixed
total product / TP amount of total products produced
marginal product / MP change in output that arises from an additional unit of that input
TP is maximized when the MP = 0
= slope of the production function
= \frac{\Delta\text{total output}}{\Delta\text{number of inputs}}=\frac{\Delta Q}{\Delta L}
diminishing marginal product the MP of any input will decrease as the quantity increases if there are fixed inputs
average product / AP how many outputs each unit of input can produce
= \frac{Q}{\text{number of inputs}}


  • MP = AP when AP at max
  • When MP > AP, AP is increasing
  • When MP < AP, AP is decreasing

Short Run Costs of Production

Word Meaning
total fixed costs / TFC costs that do not vary with the quantity of output produced (rent, loan payments) (only in short run)
total variable costs / TVC costs that vary with the quantity of output produced (labour costs, raw material costs)
total cost / TC = total fixed costs + total variable costs = TFC + TVC
average fixed cost / AFC =\frac{TFC}{Q}
decreases as more goods are produced
average variable cost / AVC =\frac{TVC}{Q}
starts high, falls and then rises again as more goods are produced
average total cost / ATC cost of each typical unit of product
= \frac{TC}{Q}=AFC+AVC
starts high, falls and then rises again as more goods are produced
marginal cost / MC the addition to total cost from producing one more unit of output
basically an inverse of marginal product
starts high, decreases, then increases as more goods are produced
= slope of the total cost function
=\frac{\Delta\text{total cost}}{\Delta\text{total output}}=\frac{\Delta TC}{\Delta Q}
opearting at capacity the firm's ATC is minimized


in short run:


  • MC intersects AVC at min AVG
  • When MC < AVC, AVC is decreasing
  • When MC > AVC, AVC is increasing
  • MC intersects ATC at min ATC
  • When MC < ATC, ATC is decreasing
  • When MC > ATC, ATC is increasing

Long Run Costs of Production

Word Meaning
long run average curve / LRAC in the long run, cost of each typical unit of product
efficient scale the level of output Q which minimizes LRAC
every Q between Q1 and Q2 are at efficient scale
increasing returns to scale / IRS /
economies of scale / EOS /
scale echonomies
LRAC falls as Q increases
occur when increasing producing allows greater specialization
decreasing returns to scale / DRS /
diseconomies of scale / DOS
LRAC rises as Q increases
due to coordination problems in large organizations
constant returns to scale / CRS LRAC stays the same over a range of Q

Last update: November 15, 2021
Created: October 30, 2021