Unit 8

Word Meaning
average revenue = price
marginal revenue the change in total revenue from an additional unit sold
=\frac{\Delta TR}{\Delta Q}
equals price in perfectly competitive firm
  • when MR > MC, the firm should produce more goods
  • when MR < MC, the firm should produce less goods
  • when MR = MC, the firm is maximizing profit

in perfect competition only, a firm will produce where P = MR = MC

The firm would shut down in the short run if P < min AVC (won't consider its sunk costs)

The competitive firm's short run supply curve is the portion of the MC that lies above min AVC.


Word Meaning
sunk costs costs that have already been committed and cannot be recovered

The firm's demand curve is perfectly elastic

In a perfect competition, for a firm: P = AR = MR = D (demand curve is perfectly horizontal)


A firm will exit an industry if P < min ATC

A firm will enter an industry if P > min ATC

Word Meaning
LR equilibrium no entry or exit in an industry
P = MC
P = min short run ATC
P = min LRAC

A firm's long run supply curve is the portion of the MC that lies above min ATC.


Word Meaning
increasing cost industry input price increases as market output increases
An increase in P is required to increase the market quantity supplied
constant cost industry input price stays the same as market output increases
firms' min LRAC will not change regardless of how much they produce
the long run market supply will be a horizontal line at min LRAC = LR equilibrium P

Last update: November 6, 2021
Created: October 30, 2021