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Physics 1E03

Name Symbol Unit
charge C
1C=10^{-6}\mu C
smallest unit of charge e=+1.602\times10^{-19}C C
coulomb's constant k_e=8.988\times10^9\frac{N\cdot m^2}{C^2} \frac{N\cdot m^2}{C^2}
electric field \vec{E} N/C
unit vector in the direction of r \hat{r}
dipole moment
(direction is from the negative charge to the positive charge)
Particle Charge (C) Mass (kg)
Electron (e) -1.602\times10^{-19} 9.109\times 10^{-31}
Proton (p) +1.602\times10^{-19} 1.673\times 10^{-27}
Neutron (n) 0 1.675\times 10^{-27}
Equation Explain
\vec{F}=k_e\frac{q_1q_2}{r^2}\hat{r} coulomb's law, force between two charges
\vec{F}=\vec{E}\cdot q_0 \vec{F}: force on charge q_0 in electric field
\vec{E}=k_e\frac{q}{r^2}\hat{r} \hat{E}: electric field produced by a charge
\vec{a}=\frac{q}{m}\vec{E} acceleration of a particle in a electric field

Charge is conserved


Electric dipole


Last update: February 5, 2022
Created: January 12, 2022