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You already known the concept of values in Basic Terms, now we are going to learn more about it and learn how to write it in a way that machine can understand.

Value Types

You cannot mention value without mentioning value types. Value types describes what category the value is.

Here are some common types:

  • Number: Don’t need to explain this much.
  • String: It’s definition is “a sequence of characters”, it’s text. it can be only one character, a word, a sentence, or even a book. (It can be blank too)
  • Boolean: If a value’s type is Boolean, it can only be True or False.

How to Write a Value

  • Number: Numbers don’t need to write in a special way, for example 1, 1000, 20.5 are all correct
  • String: In order to present a string, you need to add quotation mark to it. For example you want to write a value test, you need to code "test". "I love you", "a", "123", ""(blank string) are all correct.
  • Boolean: Boolean type is either True or False.

Difference between 5 and "5"

This is a question that a lot of students are confused about. 5 is a number, it can add with other numbers for example 5 + 1 will give you 6. "5" is a string, which is a text. You can’t add it to numbers, but you can add it to other strings, for example "5" + "test" will give you "5test", "5" + "1" will give you "51".

Last update: March 24, 2021
Created: March 24, 2021