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Unit 4

Word Meaning
elasticity measures how responsive Qd or Qs is to changes in P and other determinants
total revenue / TR = price x quantity traded
price elasticity of demand / Ep / coefficient of elasticity how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in the price of that good
=\frac{\%\Delta Qd}{\%\Delta P} = \frac{\Delta Qd}{\Delta P}\times\frac{P}{Qd} (\frac{\Delta Qd}{\Delta P} is the slope of a linear demand curve)
will always be negative, we drop it
not constant along a linear demand curve
perfectly inelastic demand a change in P does not leads to change in Qd, Ep = 0, vertical demand curve
inelastic demand a change in P leads to a proportionately smaller change in Qd, Ep < 1, steeper demand curve
unit elastic demand a change in P leads to a proportionately equal change in Qd, Ep = 1, TR at max
elastic demand a change in P leads to a proportionately bigger change in Qd, Ep > 1, flatter demand curve
perfectly elastic demand a change in P leads to an infinitely great change in Qd, Ep = \infty, horizontal demand curve
income elasticity of demand / EN how much the quantity demanded of a good responds to a change in consumers' income
=\frac{\%\Delta Qd}{\%\Delta\text{income}}
EN > 0: normal good; EN < 0: inferior good
income inelastic |EN| < 1
income elastic |EN| > 1
cross-price elasticity of demand / Eab the response of Qd of a good "a" to a change in price of a related good "b"
= \frac{\%\Delta Qd_a}{\%\Delta P_b}
Eab > 0: goods are substitutes; Eab < 0: goods are complements; Eab = 0: goods are not related
price elasticity of supply / ES how much the quantity supplied of a good responds to a change in the price of that good
=\frac{\%\Delta Qs}{\%\Delta P}=\frac{\Delta Qs}{\Delta P}\times\frac{P}{Qs}
will always be positive
perfectly inelastic supply a change in P does not leads to change in Qs, ES = 0, vertical supply curve
inelastic supply a change in P leads to a proportionately smaller change in Qs, ES < 1, steeper supply curve
unit elastic supply a change in P leads to a proportionately equal change in QS, ES = 1
elastic supply a change in P leads to a proportionately bigger change in Qs, ES > 1, flatter supply curve
perfectly elastic supply a change in P leads to an infinitely great change in Qs, ES = \infty, horizontal supply curve

Some Generalities About Demand Elasticities

  • Goods that are necessities tend to have inelastic demand
  • Goods that are luxuries tend to have elastic demand
  • Goods that have close substitutes tend to have elastic demand
  • Goods tend to have more elastic demand over the long run
  • The more narrowly defined the market, the more elastic the demand for that good
  • food: inelastic
  • vegetables: more elastic
  • broccoli: even more elastic
  • How much of your budget you spend on a good
  • a large proportion of your budget: elastic demand
  • a small proportion of your budget: inelastic demand

Some Generalities About Income Elasticities

  • Goods that are necessities tend to be income inelastic
  • Goods that are luxuries tend to be income elastic

Some Generalities About Supply Elasticities

  • Supply tends to be more elastic in the long run
  • Goods whose factors of production are readily available have more elastic supply
  • Goods whose factors of production are mobile tend to have more elastic supply
  • Goods that are easy to produce tend to have elastic supply
  • Goods that can be easily stored tend to have elastic supply

Price Elasticity vs Total Revenue

  • TR will increase if price increase and the demand is inelastic
  • TR will increase if price decrease and the demand is elastic
  • TR will not change no matter you increase or decrease price when demand is unit elastic

Last update: October 5, 2021
Created: October 4, 2021